501st Legion Clone Trooper Custom Minifigure Guide

Troduce of The 501st Legion

The 501st Legion is most famous clone trooper legion in the Star Wars movies. 501st Legion Making a difference in the Clone Wars and other battles. It was founded by Anakin Skywalker. The feature of 501st Legion Clone Trooper Custom Minifigure is a blue stripe decorated on a white clone armor.In LEGO and Lego custom products, the 501st Legion often appear in various collectibles, they are loved by fans.

501st Legion Clone Trooper

Main Characters of The 501st Legion

Clone trooper 501st legion include Captain Rex. Three ARC Troopers:Fives, Echo, Jesse. Clone Trooper Medic:Kix. Three Clone Troopers:Tup, Hardcase, Dogma.

Clone Trooper Captain Rex

Clone Trooper Captain Rex is one of the commanders of the 501st Legion. He is trusted by Anakin Skywalker because loyal and brave. Clone Trooper Captain Rex costume is blue and white armor, He equipped with two DC-17 pistols, 501st Legion Clone Trooper helmet. His design includes unique armor printing and additional equipment.

Custom Clone Trooper Minifigures: ARC Troopers

ARC Troopers include 3 Custom Clone Trooper Minifigures, Fives, Echo and Jesse. They all equipped with 501st legion clone trooper helmet. Signature white and blue armor, with extra protection on the shoulder pads. Equipped with a DC-15 blaster rifle.

Clone Trooper Medic Kix

Kix is ​​a medic of the 501st Legion. He is responsible for treating injured clone troopers on the battlefield. He wears white and blue armor. And with a blue medical logo on his backpack. He uses a DC-17 pistol. His equipment restores the unique characteristics of the medic.

Custom Clone Trooper: Tup, Hardcase, Dogma

Tup, Hardcase, Dogma all with clone trooper hoodie. They one feature is clone trooper torso white. Equipped with 501st legion clone trooper helmet, clone trooper blaster. Their weapons and armor prints are very detailed.

501st Legion Custom Minifigure Design Features

  • Personalized Armor: Different characters have different armor details, such as Rex’s shoulder armor and Jesse’s Republic logo.
  • Exclusive weapons: such as the DC-17 pistol, DC-15 rifle, and heavy blaster.
  • Additional accessories: Some minifigures are equipped with backpacks, medical equipment or tactical armor.